Endorsements & Affiliations
Jane undertook two ethics presentations for our 2022 conference held in New Zealand. Her material was well researched, relevant and informative while her delivery style was engaging. This made ethics a very popular option which was an added bonus.
Paula Guagliardo
Chief Risk Officer
PSK Private Wealth
Financial Advice New Zealand sought Professional Ethics workshops to be developed and delivered by Jane in her capacity as director of The Ethics Conversation. This occurred at a time when our sector was facing change as evidenced by the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act which came into force on 15 March. Jane came recommended with a track record of ethics training in the finance and banking sector. Her interactive workshops, are totally absorbing and crammed with insights and knowledge gleaned from her many years of experience in the ethics space. The feedback both phone calls and email, has been exceptionally positive leading to more workshops being scheduled. We are delighted with this outcome.
Katrina Shanks
Chief Executive
Financial Advice New Zealand
FMG organised for the Ethics Conversation to develop and deliver a workshop to our senior managers on ethics, ethical culture and embedding. The workshop content was very insightful and together with Jane’s interactive presentation style led to many stimulating discussions and attracted very positive feedback.
Lisa Murray
Head of Compliance, Risk, Quality – General Counsel

Jane is an ethical leader who has made a positive impact in many areas including our shared interest of leadership development. From my perspective as an ethical investment advice specialist with over three decades of advocating for business ethics and professional ethics I’ve been honoured to work closely with Jane. She is a kindred spirit sharing a passionate purpose of making a difference. Her delightful drive combined with solid academic credentials in ethics and extensive experience, enable her to make a unique and effective contribution. Our joint submission to the NZX Corporate Governance Code Review led to significant changes and Jane’s professional ethics workshop for financial advisers offers the essential guidance I envisaged when I created the first financial advice association industry syllabus in the late 1980s. I encourage any organisation or leader who sincerely believes ethics matters and wants to develop their ethical leadership to work with Jane.
Dr Rodger Spiller
Money Matters (NZ) Ltd
I recently attended a Professional Ethics workshop facilitated by Jane Arnott of Ethics Conversation. Having presented many courses over the years myself, I am always aware of the challenges which such presentations pose – and the solutions which presenters use to deal with those challenges. I found Jane’s presentation to be of the highest quality. I found the course stimulating and engaging. Jane managed the participants very skilfully so that everyone was involved – and everyone’s contribution was valued. Ethics can be a very dry subject but with her engaging manner, ample stories (both topical and industry relevant) and feeding off the contribution of participants, she succeeded in making the course a pleasure to participate in. I am happy to recommend Jane’s Professional Ethics workshop to any professional wanting to upskill in their ethical training.
Tony Walker
Financial Wellbeing Specialist
The New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors (NZIBS) runs CPD programmes that inform and maintain the professional qualifications of our members. They have a strong Code of Ethics and Professional Standards.
In June 2021 members of the NZIBS participated in a CPD webinar on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest.Jane Arnott was one of our panelists and was selected because of her expertise inprofessional and business ethics.The feedback from our members was extremely positive in that Jane identified many of the drivers and tensions that arise when balancing competing interests and also promoted the value of speaking up, having courage, applying discretionary judgement and the importance ofreputation and trust.
On the strength of that feedback, Jane has subsequently been invited to provide further Professional Ethics insights and training to our forthcoming conference in Nelson.
David Clifton
NZIBS Training Chair
New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors
Jane’s experience and commitment to business ethics in New Zealand finds few, if any rivals.Her focus is the practical embedding of values, ethical culture and the development of speak up processes that arewidely understood and effectively supported. Given that Report it Now has driven the developmentand uptake of external reporting for companies and Government entities throughout New Zealand and abroad wefind in Jane the right ethics credentials and professional alignment to achieve knowledge transfer through trainingin an otherwise neglected area.
Craig McFarlane
Report it Now
Jane has always impressed with her passion and knowledge for business ethics. Through ASIS New Zealand Chapter 148, she was sponsored to deliver to representatives from New Zealand’s security consulting and leadership sector, Ethics at Work presentations in both Auckland and Wellington. Janes presentation style is dynamic. Not only was the content well received but it provided numerous, relevantinsights into how to strengthen organisational culture and the benefit of warding off ethical lapses. Andrew D. ThorburnChairperson (2019)ASIS New Zealand Chapter 148
Andrew D. Thorburn
Chairperson (2019)
ASIS New Zealand Chapter 148
Jane facilitated a business ethics workshop at SIFA's November 2020 Conference. The session was superbly run with content that readily got participants engaged. The ethical dilemmas presented in the case studies challenged participants to provide responses to a range of issues any financial adviser might face in their professional life. Everyone in the room took away ideas and strategies they could use, which was exactly what we wanted.
Thoroughly enjoyed the Financial Advisers Professional Ethics webinar. It takes supreme skills to keep a session like that flowing, and Jane does that seamlessly! I’ll be sure to tune into the next one.
Andy Pender
Insurance Adviser
Plan and Protect
Jane undertook a review of our Association Code of Ethics and comprehensive report that included recommendations and the rationale for an updated code and speak up processes. Her work was very helpful in terms of leading the conversation for potential change.
Brett Francis
Tennis NZ briefed the Ethics Conversation to report on developing a Club Code of Ethics for inclusion as a template in our Club Toolkit, designed for tennis clubs throughout New Zealand, for launch in 2022.We were thrilled with both the concept and the content of Janes subsequent report. The development of a Code of Ethics is relevant to many of our initiatives and will be a useful reference for our work alongside over 400 tennis clubs as they plan and make decisions for their future.
Julie Paterson
CEO | Tennis NZ | Te Tēnehi o Aotearoa